
Chikiness reveals and recognises the grandness within you.
Chikiness celebrates the diversity of the individual and the unity of us all.

We really have got the whole world in our hands because between us we are the whole world. This means that everyone and everything is important, has its place, has its part to play. Chikiness helps us to recognise what part that is and how to enjoy playing it.

Find out who you are
And what you want to be
Allow your energy
To flow free

No longer trapped by who you were
Excess weight will depart for sure
Leaving you to be who you are
Allowing you to shine as bright as any star

No more prescriptions, diets or pills
Chikiness can cure your ills
For when you balance who you are within
The full enjoyment of life can begin

Listening to others yet following you
You are all you need to be true
Being chiki every day
Allow your head and heart to play

Freely with others
Sharing what you know
Combining your energies
Feel them flow

How do you discover your Chikiness?
By nourishing yourself with some Chiki food and a chiki workout.

Chiki food is ‘food for thought’ -  words that have been channeled with a specific vibration to nourish your soul. A chiki workout is the movement of energy using your index finger to draw in universal life force to harmonise and energise your individual energy centres.

Chikiness is not actually something to be shared in the traditional sense. Unlike normal convention and social etiquette, chiki food is best eaten alone and in silence. A chiki workout is also best performed alone.

For those of you who have had an experience of direct connection with something more than yourselves but do not want to spend your life hidden away from the physical world, chikiness enables the free flow of life of the highest order to be able to flow not only in the isolation of a meditative practise but during the actions of your everyday life.

Please email for any further guidance and information.