Taking the traditional and jazzing it up a bit.

Adding a mystery ingredient or two

At the core of each of us is mystery – that is what we have in common.

The core of humanity is mystery. When we share a moment of core humanity with another we experience that connectedness, even if only for a briefest moment, before our particle beliefs separate us once more.

I have lived a Chiki life. Living, loving, learning. Experiencing events which according to most experts should have made me a suicidal depressive at best, but have in fact enabled me to identify with and feel every emotion known to mankind – not just through observing in others but through the living of it myself. Throughout my life I have carried a faithful guide, unbeknown to me at times – my core, my mystery, my Joy, my Source, my God – whatever it’s name it has been there. Continually shining a light into my darkness, often only illuminating the next step with the further beyond still in darkness. What gave me the courage to keep moving – who really knows? I believe it was my inner Spirit, my Soul, which is always desiring more.
Acknowledging that core desire connects me to my joy of being alive and brings the strength needed to experience the next step of my life. Without that acknowledgment I find myself weaker and not so able to bring out the joy from within me.

When we genuinely desire no more then that is the end of this journey and time to pass on.

Contentment is a barrier which could falsely create a feeling of not desiring more. To be content with what we’ve got or who we are, without desiring more is actually a contradiction in terms since to maintain what we’ve got or who we are needs more (more of the same) to keep it the same, since life is constantly changing. More money is needed to maintain the same standard of living to meet continually rising living costs. To combat the effects of inflation, ageing, the weather – the list is endless. By desiring more consciously you are acknowledging the ‘moreness’ of life and its creation can become a conscious pleasure and joyful experience. To learn and love more – to enjoy life more.

Chikiness - the gift of personal understanding is waiting for you.

I was told recently that if you have been ‘confirmed’ in the Christian religion then you can never ‘unconfirm’ yourself. Having been ‘confirmed’ as a child with no conscious awareness of any other religion and with no other choice seemingly available I went ahead with it – eager to be centre of attention for a while, eager to wear a pretty white dress and eager at the age of 11 to be able to drink some wine every Sunday.

To belong – that was a very important need within me, yet whenever I attempted to belong to anything, religion included – it did not feel totally right. To accept someone else’s instruction to find my own way was what I wanted, not instruction in the only
way to be followed.

The untrodden path has always had more appeal – discovering new territories, within and without.

During my journey in discovering my inner world and learning to feel my energy, a fellow traveller, Lucio, was kind enough to postpone his journey in order to escort me to St. Louis for the day. I was in Missouri for an EFT Conference and having been captivated by the Musical of ‘Meet me in St. Louis’ as a child, I was eager to experience St. Louis for real.

Visiting St. Louis was life-changing. On the surface a normal town with normal things happening all around and normal sights to see. Yet in one museum was an exhibition that unlocked a part of me that had hitherto been shut away. My pioneering spirit. My right side, my creativity, who I was started to reveal itself. Looking at the visual display telling the story of those courageous men and women who did not wait for the way to be decided by someone else and follow that path. These pioneers found their own way, negotiating obstacles with an amazing spirit. Were they divinely guided? Who knows? Does it matter what we call that grandness within us? The inner power that enables us to be the individual we were all born to be. Using that grandness to be our best. Then and only then can we give our best to others. To truly love others by truly loving ourselves. Allowing others to guide us and support us but always remaining faithful to that grandness within.

Energy is what connects us all. How we use it is what separates us all. It’s always up to us. Universal Spirituality. No external rules and regulations – nothing to sign up to – just a common feeling of connection to everyone and everything. If you can feel energy and you feel connected then that is where this need to belong comes from – because we do all belong, whomever we are and whatever we do – we just need reminding that it is not necessarily belonging to anything created by anyone else but finding your own way of celebrating your belonging which is inherent by your being alive.

Feeling that you belong but not restricted by someone else’s dictate, that is the freedom I was looking for and the freedom I have found – now it is time to share this discovery to support those who long to find their own way.

Find out who you are
Let go of who you’re not
Appreciate who you are
Give life all you’ve got

I found that once I had reached the stage of appreciating who I was, it was natural to wish to be of service to others.

To me, Jesus is an example of someone being chiki. He knew who he was, he let go of who he wasn’t, he appreciated who he was and he gave life all he had – literally. There is always much discussion and debate as to whether he was the Son of God and whether all the teachings of Christianity are the only teachings to follow. Regardless of this, the example of his life and the acknowledgment of Jesus being chiki i.e. at one with his own energy and the energy of any others yet facing challenges and energetic interference from others throughout his life, is the reason why he features in some of the Chiki Rhymes.

God is the word that feels right for me to represent my grandness within, my Source, my Creator. Whether Creation is proved to be nothing more than a random event, my truth is that we are all a part of something more, that when we are all standing in our own true place – then we have perfect alignment – God as a whole is represented by each of us as an individual – not able to witness everyone’s true place, yet those who we can touch we do, and by acknowledging what feels right within us we can stand in our spot and be proud to do so, regardless of how or what we are standing in looks like to others. From their perspective it may appear that we are standing in a pile of pooh but if it feels right for us then we can be as happy as a pig in sh.t – ready to be of service to others.

Accepting that shit happens and that pigs might fly

Life in full bloom – our core energy being able to flow freely through each of our identities – each of our petals – deny any one of them and you will not be able to be in full bloom – each one is important – the energy of you and the energy of each identity. Your level of chikiness will depend on the level of free flow between your core energy and each particle energy you come into contact with, in thought, in word or in deed.

Chiki is a state of being – the ultimate state of being

To be chiki all you have to do is feel chiki

Feel the chi – your energy

Feel the ki – the energy of anything else

Combine the two and allow them to flow freely

Then you can feel chiki, then you can be chiki

How do you combine the two and allow them to flow freely?

With a wiggle and a jiggle and a chiki workout

Feel energetically connected – a free flowing and flexible energetic connection

Being consciously chiki enables me to help others to discover and develop their own energetic relationships (chikiness) without me becoming so battered and bruised in the process. Oh what joy!

Spreading chikiness throughout the world

I used to go for a massage and at the end I would not really feel any better, often I would feel quite drained. One day a Massage Therapist said to me “I feel so much better after giving you a massage” In that moment I understood about energetic relationship, even flow and chikiness.

I wasn’t aware that I understood – that came later – conscious chikiness.

Chi – my energy
Ki – their energy

Chikiness – the combination of the two in even flow – both feel energised during and after interaction.

Beyond happiness is chikiness

Happy and healthy is what we used to state as the ultimate state we wished for. Now I say chiki is the ultimate state we can wish for and be – it is now within our power. Become aware, experience, enjoy.

When connecting in a chiki way – energetic mutual respect comes naturally.
That is one of the main benefits of chikiness – free flowing relationships.

If you have any chiki reflections which you would like to share or if you would like any personal guidance in developing your chikiness then please email: thechikibistro@gmail.com

      Chikiness - Is ignorance really bliss???