Starting your day with a 10 minute chiki workout can ensure that you maximise the benefit of your chikiness right away - using the chiki symbols means that you can harmonise your energies quickly and effectively whatever your energy may have been doing whilst you were asleep! A couple of top ups during the day will ensure that you maintain your chikiness and a session before you go to sleep will help you 'put your day to bed before you rest your head'.

How to use the chiki symbols is explained below - have a read and give it a go. The symbols are simple and easy to learn - use them daily and you will burn - as brightly as nature ever intended - now and forever a life never ended.

Please feel free to email if you would like any personal guidance in using the symbols or any matters relating to developing your chikiness.

Chiki workouts - how to use the chiki symbols

1. Ask a question if you have one e.g. Why am I feeling so let down?

2. Focus on any niggling condition or state e.g. sore right shoulder

3. Simply use the chiki symbols with no pre-requisite demands as a general chiki workout

The workout can be performed anywhere including under the bedcovers, upon waking, before sleeping or during any breaks in your day - the silence and movement of nothing other than your index finger means that even if you are not alone in bed you will not be disturbing anyone by 'working out' - at least not physically!

There are 5 simple symbols to use - each one needs to be 'drawn' in the air, according to its description, with the index finger of the hand you generally write or draw with. How you 'draw' the symbols is up to you, the description will speak to you with the way that is right for you - there is no 'right way'.

Your other hand needs to rest on the front of your body, on each of your 7 main chakras (energy centres) in turn, starting with your base or root chakra, over the pubic area.

The second chakra is a little higher up, over the bladder.

The third chakra is just above the belly button.

The fourth chakra in line with the heart.

The fifth chakra is just under your chin

The sixth chakra is between the eyebrows

The seventh or crown chakra is on the top of your head.

The intention to connect with each energy centre is all that is needed, precise positioning is not essential.

After you have completed 3 rounds of the chiki symbols on each centre, work up your body until you reach your crown chakra. Finally do 3 rounds of the chiki symbols using both index fingers together (where you place your hands for this bit is up to you – if you are standing up then outstretched in front of you works well) and then sit or lie down and enjoy 5 mins PEACE – with all your Particle Energies And Core Energy in an even flow – more clarity and insights you will come to know.

The descriptions of the chiki symbols are as follows:

1. A circle in a triangle

2. A circle in a square

3. A circle in a hash

4. Two circles as a pair

5. The sign of infinity ( a figure of eight on its side)

If you wish you can say/chant the following whilst drawing the symbols...

A circle in a triangle

A circle in a square

A circle in a hash

Two circles as a pair

Together with the sign of infinity

I’m using these symbols to flow my energy (first round)

I’m using these symbols to help me listen to ME (second round)

I’m using these symbols to let my truth flow free (third round)

When you ‘draw’ the symbols for the first round it gives you an indication of which energy centres are blocked and at which level – you will find that the more flowing the energy centre , the more flowing your ‘drawing’ of the symbol . Allow your hand to guide you and do not be tempted to pre-empt which centre could or should be blocked. Sometimes you will find that a particular symbol needs to be ‘drawn’ and re-drawn many times before your hand will move on to the next symbol – allow this to happen – go with the flow of your hand – this is the ‘magic’ working – your energy re-balancing itself and harmonising all aspects of itself.

What the chiki symbols do

Each symbol will guide you to which aspect of you is currently at odds with itself – the first symbol – a circle in a triangle relates to your universal flow of energy of life (the circle) with your soul, all of you at your core – past, present and future. The symbols have no concern with which aspect or aspects are at odds – the story is not important – all that matters is that right here right now your energy can harmonise so you can enjoy each moment which presents itself here and now.

The second symbol – a circle in a square depicts the universal flow of energy of life flowing through all four chambers of your heart – opening and releasing any parts which have been closed down or blocked as a result of your reactions to previous experiences. Again we don’t know and don’t need to know why – we simply need to allow your heart to expand to its full potential so that you can breathe life in through and out of you to your heart’s content.

The third symbol – a circle in a hash represents your head being fed with the energy of life yet also full of existing thoughts – good ones/bad ones/right ones/wrong ones – lots of different thoughts going nowhere yet seeming so important.

What happens when fresh thought collides with previous thought ? What of the crossroads? Which way to turn? What to believe? Whose thought to follow?

So many unanswered questions – the circle of universal energy can bring all these thoughts into harmony by bringing them into two separate pools or circles of energy and linking them together to mix with all the energy of your heart and soul – the fourth symbol .

Finally the sign of infinity – the fifth symbol which allows all of your energy as a whole to unite with all of the energy which is not you – all energies blending into one even flow of infinite possibilities.

All the symbol work is done in silence – if you are doing it on yourself then allow yourself some time after using the symbols to allow the unconditional love to flow from the infinite pool of possibilities and in that moment of peace and harmony more of your truth can flow from your soul into your conscious awareness. Do not be tempted to stop during the treatment to analyse an energy centre which showed some distortion or blockage – this will interfere with the natural progression of clearing which is taking place and may prevent the truth of the moment from emerging.

If you are using the symbols on someone else, by all means be aware of which energy centres are distorted or blocked – this can be useful feedback to the person you are working on – particularly if it is their first experience of energy healing work. Do make sure there is a space of silence after you have finished using the symbols before your begin any verbal communication.

Nothing more than an indication of which energy centre and the extent of the distortion or blockage is needed – anything more than that will again interfere with the person’s own truth from emerging. However tempting it may be to provide the answers – it is only when the person ‘feels’ their truth that it will have the inner strength supporting it to maintain the momentum required for the person to see whatever ‘it’ is through. Your belief is not enough to affect lasting change in others – it has to come from within the individual.

This is what makes this work different from most other forms of energy work – the use of silence and yet unlike meditation which requires you to be able to control your mind and ‘silence’ it – the symbols work with you to facilitate silence – a subtle yet powerful difference.

Working with the ‘chiki’ symbols

The chiki symbols can be used as a quick general pick me up or stress reliever at anytime of day or night – they can be used anytime, anyplace, anywhere with no contra -indications. That being said - personal responsibility must be assumed - the pigs cannot be held liable for any of your actions!!

Supporting audio for the Chiki Workout

Click here to play an audio version of the workout - my words are deliberately faint so as not to interfere with yours. The gentle Hawaiian seas continue to lap in the background whilst you embrace your 5 minutes of PEACE.